Karl Marx commented on 'ObaCare Offers Choices: Join A Union, Go Broke, Or Die'
He's f*&king things up better than I ever expected anyone could.
View ArticleDagpotter commented on 'ObaCare Offers Choices: Join A Union, Go Broke, Or Die'
There is always the Amish option. The reduction in electricity use will also help Global Warming. The economy, not so much.
View ArticleMarkJ commented on 'ObaCare Offers Choices: Join A Union, Go Broke, Or Die'
My money says this company's business will skyrocket if ObamaCare passes: http://plainlydressed.com/ One small question: it's interesting that a company catering to the needs of folks who generally...
View Articlexerocky commented on 'ObaCare Offers Choices: Join A Union, Go Broke, Or Die'
"And so it looks like they may have reached a deal sooner than otherwise expected: unions get a special two-year exclusion from the tax." That's a break from the tax? Well for 2 years it is. After...
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